Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Very Best Of Suicidal Tendencies

The Very Best Of Suicidal Tendencies is the best album of suicidal tendencies. Mike Muir singing on this album along with his friend and with the great guitarist Rocky George. character of a great vocalist Mike Muir with melodic guitar melodies Rocky George's shrill and liver slice to slice. make this album is selling well metal music.
This he album.

 The Very Best Of Suicidal Tendencies

   1. Trip at the Brain
   2. How Will I Laugh Tomorrow
   3. One Too Many Times
   4. Controlled by Hatred
   5. You Can't Bring Me Down
   6. Alone
   7. Get Whacked
   8. Send Me Your Money
   9. Disco's Out, Murder's In
  10. Nobody Hears
  11. I Wasn't Meant to Feel This / Asleep at the Wheel
  12. War Inside My Head
  13. Waking the Dead
  14. Institutionalized

a collection of photos of Mike Muir

This is a collection of photos of Mike Muir. please you to see her and look at it. vocalist Mike Muir is suicidaltendencies . He sang well and the action stage is very good. I like Mike Muir. I love Mike Muir

listen to full first album How Will I Laugh Tomorrow part 2

that this is part 2 listen to a full album How will I laugh tomorrow. if the first part was split apart again in a 1 track 1 track. in part 2 are you listening to audio streaming of full songs 1 to 11. total stream reaches 44 minutes. please listen to streaming audio it, enjoy and feel the guitar Rocky George. sink in his guitar playing, melodic melodies are pitched and tear your heart apart

listen to full first album How Will I Laugh Tomorrow

if you want to listen to an album full of songs that suicidal tendencies album listen to full first album How Will I Laugh Tomorrow?

well I'll post it here for all of you who like to suicidal tendencies.
I love this album. How Will I Laugh song Tomorrow it's great, and the songs on this album is very good for the hearing. I applaud the guitar Rocky George. he's a great guitarist da great. I like Rocky George
please play the audio or the video below ..

thank regards metal \m/











suicidal tendencies demo 1982

This demo of her song metal band suicidal tendencies. This demo tape made ​​in 1982. This demo songs I think sound is less good. yes, it's a demo. simple, simple. please make you want to play the song .. let 's. please below lists the demo songs

and this song

in fact there are many more songs demo. but just 3 course, this recommendation for you. If you are still curious about the demo songs from suicidal tendencies, you can look it up on youtube. thank you, regards metal \ m /

Friday, June 29, 2012

How will I laugh tomorrow

How will I laugh tomorrow is the first album that I have and what I heard. How will I laugh track is also very very good tomorrow. melodic guitar solos or melodic guitar Rocky George is very nice and touching. I applaud the guitar Rocky George is playing well and good in the song How will I laugh tomorrow is. from first to last song on this album, Rocky George solo guitar solo is very good .. please you hear this song and you enjoy melodic guitar passages passage Rocky George
always greeting metal \ m /

                            and below it is the video clip


Thursday, June 28, 2012

The first song I heard

Hearing Voices is the first song I heard from suicidal tendencies. the time the song had me set up repeated again. awful song. I know the intro intro. This song reminded me of the song to deep purple highway star. intro on songs like hearing a voice like a deep purple song. so I always remember hearing the voice of this song. This was the suicidal tendencies of the first song I heard and I was biological. his music is quite good. rytem rytem was good especially the melody. very very nice and very amazing. salute for Rocky George who has played a great melody. great guitarist and a great guitarist.
ilike voice hearing
ilike suicidal tendencies
mike ilike Muir
ilike Rocky George

please you to hear and enjoy this song

I like suicidal tendencies

I think suicidal tendencies is a thrash metal band that is very good. he is a Force with metallica. suicidaltendencies in pioneered by Mike Muir. I like suicidal tendencies due to the band's songs nice and cool song. awful music for listening to at all times. especially after waking up. most good for listening to the song suicidal tendencies. Vocalist Mike Muir is suicidal tendencies. he was a pioneer of this band. This band is still active. for you who like the band is also suicidal tendencies. Please read aja read this blog.
thank you