Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Rocky George vs Dean Pleasants

do you think a good guitarist suicidal tendencies itru whom?

                                                                       rocky george?

Dean Pleasants?

heck if I think the guitarist is rocky george suicidal tendencies. because he was playing solo solo melody is very nice and beautiful. see just from album to join the Army Suicidal For Life album played all the guitar melody is rocky george. more especially on the album How will I laugh tomorrow, which I think is the best song and best album of suicidal tendencies. all the songs on the album How will I laugh tomorrow guitar melodies and great good average. george gitarnya.rocky cool melodies and fairly clever play great melodic guitar melodies. so my choice is the best guitarist of suicidal tendencies is a rocky george.
so. Thank you. metal greetings

Monday, July 2, 2012

Suicidal Tendencies Hearing voices

Hearing voices , yes. This song is the suicidal tendencies of the first song I heard and my bio. I marked the band's suicidal tendencies with this song. because the intro song is easy to remember in my brain. please sing and listen to the song. I dedicate it all for you

Hearing Voices

I got home kind of late last night
My mind wasn't clear, but I could tell something wasn't right

So silent I could hear my heart pump
But then I heard a sound that made me jump

I tried to get real brave, tried to look around
I tried to find out where came that sound
The re I looked, the less I could see
But the voices keep calling, calling out to me

I hear voices-when I'm all alone
Hearing voices-but there's nobody home
Hear the voices-could it be they're calling out to me
Hearing voices - I look, why can't I see
I hear voices-can't stop those voices

It happened again-the very next day
I still couldn't understand what they were trying to say
Could only get the courage to open up one eye
Couldn't see nothing, but the voices they don't lie

I searched and searched but not a soul I found
Pretty damn sure no one was around
The more I looked the less I could see
Then I realized the voices were calling from me

Are they demons-or are they angels or am I crazy

Now the voices I start to understand
They have to do with the master plan
You think about what you'd do
Cause one day the voices will be calling out to you
The voices I hear now I know are true
They come not from one but they come from two
The real point is what I'm missing
From which voice will I listen

I hear voices
Hearing voices
Do you hear the voices?
Can't stop the voices




Suicidal Tendencies - How will I laugh tomorrow

I am here writing for myself and for all of you who like a band of suicidal tendencies. good singing, listening, and watching videos of suicidal tendencies How will I laugh tomorrow.below are the lyrics of the song

How Will I Laugh Tomorrow

Here I sit and watch my world come crumbling down
I cry for help but no one's around
Silently screaming I bang my head against the wall
It seems like no one cares at all
Always an emotion, but how can I explain
How can I explain
Kind of like the scent of a rose
With words I can't explain
The same with my pain
Caught up in emotion-Goes over my head
Goes over my head
Sometimes I got to think to myself is this life or death
Am I living or am I dead
The clock keeps ticking but nothing else seems to change
Problems never solved, just rearranged
And when I think about all the times that I've had
So few good-So many bad
I search for personality and I look for things I can not see

Love and peace flash through my mind
Pain and hate are all I find
Find no hope in nothing new
Never had a dream come true
Lies and hate and agony
Through my eyes that's all I see
If I'm gonna cry
Will you wipe away my tears?
If I'm gonna die
Lord please take away my fear
Before I drown in sorrow
Last thing that I'll say
How will I laugh tomorrow
If I can't even smile today
Today today--when I can't even smile today
Today today--when I can't even smile today
How will I laugh tomorrow--when I can't even smile today
How will I laugh tomorrow--when I can't even smile today


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Send Me Your Money

Yes. This my favorite song. Please sing, I include it for you lyrics and music videos. send me your money

Send Me Your Money

Lights, camera, silence on the set
Tape rolling, 3-2-1-action
Welcome to the church of Suicidal
We'll have a service and wonderful recital
But before we go on, there's something I must mention
An important message I must bring to your attention
I was in meditation and prayer last night
I was awakened by a shining bright light
Over head, a glorious spirit
He gave me a message and you all need to hear it
"Send me your money", that's what he said
He said to "Send me your money"
Now if you can only send a dollar or two
There aint a hell of alot I can do for you
But, if you want to see heaven's door
Make a check out for five hundred or more
"Send me your money", do you here what I'm saying?
"Send me your money"

Now give me some bass, um yea that's how he likes it
Now give me some silence, for all you sinners
Now give me some bass, yea that was funky
Now take them on home Brother Clark, send me your
Here comes another con hiding behind a collar
His only god is the almighty dollar
He aint no prophet, he aint no healer
He's just a two bit goddamn money stealer
Send me your money
Send it, you got to send it
Send me your money
You hear what I'm saying?
Send it, send it
Send me your money
Now how much you give is your own choice
But to me it's the difference between a prosche and a Rolls
I want you to make it hurt when you dig into your pocket
I want you to make it hurt!
We'll take cash, we'll take checks
We'll take credit cards, we'll take jewelry
We'll take your momma's dentures if they got gold in them
So whose gonna be the next king of the fakers
Whose gonna take the place of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker?
See my momma, she didn't raise no fool
Cause you can't put a price on a miracle



video clip collection of suicidal tendencies

yes here is a collection of video clips of suicidal tendencies.
This video clip is deliberately set. let you guys can enjoy it in my blog.
survived watching video suicidal tendencies. metal greetings